A Travellerspoint blog

Lakeside, Lounging and Laundry!

The final run south back to Trollhättan

Wow so here it is then, probably the final chapter in the #Jexit journey, and definitely the last post from "on the road" as I plan to do the last wrap up summary once we get back to the UK with the head space to reflect on both the trip home and the overall impressions of our big adventure.

It's safe to say this second 9 months has totally flown by - it was far less planned than the first part, and while I don't necessarily think that made any difference to the overall enjoyment, I think it says far more about how much more relaxed we were this time around. To think that just 4 months ago we were in Western France having attended a lovely wedding, to finding ourselves now having been to the top of Norway and spent some great times with friends and family in Scandinavia. It just goes to show how far you can get if you just get on with it!

Anyway, I have the last couple of weeks to catch you up on, so here goes.

The last blog saw us at Njurunda, which was a pretty seaside spot in mid Sweden, after our second visit to the High Coast. The local commune had installed a free (although donations welcome) Aire with the usual facilities but an added bonus of a shower too! We made good use of the site, spending 4 days there in the end. The town itself has an interesting industrial history as it was a major player in the saw mill industry during the 1830's. Being so close to the coast made transportation easy. There are many remains in really good condition that you can wander around, again all for free (or donation of course).




During the course of our 4 days, we had a great explore of both the industrial heritage and also the coastal waters, doing plenty of walking, fishing and generally making the most of the sunny weather.


We left Njurunda on Wednesday 21st August and headed further south to Sveg. Keen readers will remember this is a place we visited on our way north, and it was probably the first place on our Scandinavian adventure that saw us with a "proper" wild camping spot on the lakeside. That time it was sunny but we had 4 campers for company, this time it was cloudier but we got the plum spot lakeside, complete with campfire and no neighbours. It was a great location, and we ended up enjoying a couple of nights there, making the most of the campfire, and really immersing ourselves into the great outdoors. On reflection now I think it's clear that these last few weeks have really been about taking the time to enjoy the simple and quiet things about camping. We definitely dialled the pace back a bit, and just enjoyed being - if that doesn't sound too pretentious!






We also fulfilled one of Jase's dreams - to have sausages cooked on the open fire - took us both back to our younger days in the Guides and Cubs!


Friday 23rd August and with less than a week to get to Craig and Sofia's in Troll, we knew we needed to roll further south. We were headed to Loftsdalen, home to skiing in the winter, but mountain biking trails in the summer. On arrival we had a look at the uplift system - essentially using the ski lifts to take rider and bike to the top & then speed your way down. Not for me, but Jase was keen, until he saw the prices! We opted to head lakeside and a parking spot which would give us access to some free cycling and walking trails for a few days.

Now this is where things got quite exciting - this is bear country, and the chap in the bike shop said a couple had recently spotted a bear along the lakeside trail we intended to have a ride on - cue much excitement (and a little fear!). However, what we also needed to appreciate is that this is hunting season - now being more of a tourist than a hunter, the thought of hunting something I am desperate to see (be it bear, elk, reindeer etc) feels a little at odds - but I think it is really important to understand and respect the laws of the land you are travelling in. The bear hunt is all about population control - they have 3,000 bears in Sweden, and are allowed to cull 10% each year - there are specific dates for this (and every type of hunt) - we'd happened to arrive at Loftsdalen just 2 days into the bear hunting season.

Suffice to say, although I totally respect their rights, I went very quickly from wanting to see a bear, to kind of hoping they kept their heads down!
On the flip side, we did see plenty of paw prints and other items suggestive of bear activity, so I know there were there.

We had a lovely 40km ride along the lakeside, with some lovely views. Also this time of year is very much harvest season - and this weekend was big for the wild blueberries. It really feels like we've seen Sweden through 3 out of 4 seasons during our time here - from the late spring, through the summer and now into autumn. I love the way that Swedes interact with their environment, and have so many of the "old ways" kept alive - foraging is still a way of life here, which by definition has to mean you look after the land so that it keeps delivering. We spoke to an older couple who were out ready for the blueberries, but the following week were looking forward to the lingonberry season (a cross between cranberries and red currents).




In the early evening we were treated to a huge reindeer just wandering through the car park....as you do!


The evening at Loftsdalen was incredibly clear and we were able to see the stars and the Milky way for the first time since we've got here - of course for every bit south we come, the darker the skies are.

Sunday 25th August and after a lovely couple of days riding around the area, we had a bit of a drive head - this time to Torsby, via Mora for a few supplies. After a fairly long riding day I was pretty happy not to have to do much more than sitting in the van, although we did spend a tense hour or so listening to the conclusion of the 3rd test in the Ashes!

We had a good lakeside spot overnight, fairly close to the road, but ideal for our onward trip the next day.



Our initial plan had been to enjoy a few sunny days at the west coast, but with limited time and information suggesting wild camping was much less easy, we decided to stay inland and found a super spot at Kristinehamn at the top of Lake Vanern - eager readers will recall that Vanern is the largest lake in Sweden, and where we started our adventure on leaving Troll back in June. This time though we were at the top end, in a super spot with access right into the lake.

The weather gods were on our side though and we spent 2 lovely days enjoying the sunshine, fishing and swimming in the crystal clear (and refreshing) waters. The perfect way to round things off.




Wednesday 28th August and our final trip from Kristinehamn to Craig and Sofia's in Trollhättan. The weather was on the turn, so it was great to pull onto the drive, and load ourselves into our lovely basement room - complete with a stack of laundry that took 3 days to get done!

I had a great birthday on Thursday, spent here in town, and enjoying homemade pizze with our great hosts. Both Jase and I have had (long overdue) haircuts, enjoyed a stunning curry with Jase's brother Mike, Karro, Robin, Vinnie and Molly.

On Saturday Kathy and Göran took us out on their boat again where we all enjoyed a bash on the hover board - a bit of a cross between a body board and a water ski that gets pulled along behind the boat. Robin and Jase were pretty good at it - I had a good go and it was great fun - not sure my arms will ever recover though!





We also had a fab meal at Musselbaren in nearby Lyckorna which we reached on the boat.




To round the day off, Jase drove the boat back to Uddevalle too.



Yesterday (Sunday) we spent a nice time catching up and chilling out with various members of the family. We were meant to be leaving today (Monday), but with less than sunny weather, and a chilli to look forward to later, we'd decided to stay an extra night.

From here will head south across to Denmark and wend our way back towards the UK - Jase will be booking the tunnel later today which I think will really make things feel somewhat real!

As I mentioned before, I will do a final summary post once we are back and can reflect more on our adventures, but suffice to say we've had a total blast. I've seen and experienced things I never expected, and we have so many people to thank for helping and supporting us along the way. Mostly though I guess we need to thank our families and friends for not thinking we were totally barmy to have jacked in our "normal" lives to go and be hippies for 18months! For me though, I'd also like to thank Jase - there's not many marriages strong enough to live in a metal box for 18months, and even less than would still have plenty to talk about at the end of it. Thanks babe, you are the best traveling companion I could ever wish for. Here's to #Jexit part 2 at some point in the future...............!

Thanks for reading and sticking with me, I hope you've enjoyed being part of it to. If our trip has inspired you in any way - be it long trip, or just a weekend, feel free to get in touch. There's nothing I like more than talking about our adventures!

Til next time, stay safe all

J&J x


Posted by One streetaway 03:17 Archived in Sweden Tagged fjords sweden norway cycling travelling scandinavia

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